* What does a chiropractor do? 

A chiropractor looks for areas of the spine that are "restricted" or misaligned. These areas of restricted spinal bones are called SUBLUXATIONS. Subluxations put pressure on delicate spinal nerves, which prevents the nerves from functioning properly. After the chiropractor performs several specialized tests to locate subluxations, specific techniques are used to move the "restricted" spinal bone back into proper alignment. This is called an adjustment.

* Why should I come in if I am not in pain? 

Usually, signs of "symptoms" are the last thing to appear when there is a problem in our bodies (subluxations). One example of this would be cancer. It is possible to have cancer in the body and not be "in pain". Therefore, pain is not a good indicator of how healthy we really are or how well our bodies are working. Also, 80% of the time, the nerve that is being squeezed does not send pain signals to the brain. All of this means that we may be walking around with nerve damaging subluxations and not even know it!

* How often do I have to come in? 

The amount of damage to your spine and nervous system will determine the frequency of your office visits. It may take longer to correct subluxations that have been present in the spine for many years. As your subluxations become manageable, your frequency of visits will be decreased to a wellness schedule.

* How long do I have to keep coming to a chiropractor? 

Chiropractic focuses on getting people healthy and keeping them that way. By removing damaging nerve interference, the body is allowed to function properly. That means that every muscle, organ and tissue in the body will be able to work at 100%. So, the answer to that question is -- you only have to visit a chiropractor for as long as you want to be healthy!!